Hi Bernd,

yes I am talking about c)
I already thought about the problem, that I only have to do this on
connection breakdown, but I did not see how to make the distinction. I
do not even have enough knowledge to set up a proper test case :( I
only can test with my smack client by now. If you gave me some
directions where to look at I ll try and provide a test case.

BTW I saw that I get the avaiable message twice when a user connects,
that doesn't hurt me, but I guess its not intended, is it ?

Greetings from Hamburg

2010/3/8 Bernd Fondermann <bf_...@brainlounge.de>:
> Thomas Kratz wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't know if my question yesterday was concrete enough.
>> I try to send an unavailable message when the connection breaks down
>> and I wonder if I can somehow wait for the message to go out.
> Wait a second.
> There are different cases:
> a. Client sends <pres unavail.../> and keeps connection alive
> b. Client sends <pres unavail.../> (maybe followed by a </stream:stream>
> and closes the socket
> c. Client dies, Routing is broken, Socket cannot transport packets
> successfully end-to-end and the server detects this, because the socket
> gets closed - this is without the client notifying the server of anything
> d. Server goes down and is in process of ending all sessions
> Up until now, I thought we were talking c., right?
> a. is (should be) already working
> b. is not fully working,  but we would be working on the wrong end then
> d. must be handled completely different.
> So, what is/are your case(s)?
>> Because
>> afterwards the session gets CLOSED and an unbind happens, which now
>> makes my attempt to send the unavailable break.
>> Or is there a way to
>> send a Stanza synchronuosly?
> in MinaBackedSessionContext there is write(Stanza). This is a hack. So
> is everything attached to VYSPER-185.
>  Bernd


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