On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 06:31, G.W.G.K.N. Udayanga
<gwgknudaya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Bernard Sir,
> Thank you very much for your support.I know that the time to discuss about
> the project is now over.

Is it? Why?

> But if you can please consider about following
> things.
> You question:What would you want to remove? What would be unwanted stanzas?
> What do you think is a stanza at all?
> *Stanza is same as xml.(actually another name use in xmpp world).

Actually no. Stanza is a data structure, carrying special XMPP
semantics, while XML is the syntax to express XMPP stanzas.
An analogy: XMPP are the words, stanzas are the sentences. XMPP only
uses a subset of XML.

> *Here as the removable stanzas i mean xml tags such as <message/>,
> <presence/>,  <iq/> and so on which are used for initial  handshaking when
> dealing with xmpp.

Don't know. Presence, IQ, Messages are used all over the place. I
don't see any reason to remove anything.

> Another one that i didn't get answer from your reply.
> Ajax clients send requests by using url encrypting also(other than the types
> of xml document)But for the bosh protocol only xml is allowable as
> payload.So do we need to process  url encryped requst of ajax client  as a
> xml formatted one before using bosh protocol?

Sorry, I don't understand that question. I think the specs are pretty
clear about what has to be send.
HTTP from browser to webserver, request payload is mostly XML whether
encrypted or not.


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