On May 31, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

Hi guys,

I don't know how possibly we were able to release MINA in the past, but I must admit it's a nightmare. I spent the full afternoon trying to get the packages generated and the 2.0.0 tags to be created, with no success.

Not only the poms were all totally broken (with bad references to a jar when the core module is a bundle), but also the SCM infos were wrong, and we can't deploy because the parent's assembly can't be generated (it seems to be a maven's limitation).

I'm done with this crap, fed up, worn out. No wonder why Maven has so many enemies...

I understand your frustration. Usually this is a symptom of sloppy project organization rather than the tool itself. As I wander around the project hierarchy I find myself scratching my head more than once.


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