
We're up for a board report in July. Here's a draft of the report,
please comment!




No releases has been made since the last board report.


* No new committers or changes to the PMC since the last report
* The project has one GSoC student, working on adding BOSH
(long-polling HTTP) support for Vysper. Project is progressing as


* Work is still ongoing to get the last bugs and build issues out of
what will become MINA 2.0. Discussions and prototyping is continuing
for a future MINA 3.0
* It was discovered that a LGPL licensed file had been included in
four released 2.0 milestones. Work is ongoing to have these removed
and replaced by a release without the file.
* Vysper development is primarily focused on the GSoC project and the
implementation of multi-user chat.
* FtpServer development has been pretty slow since the last report,
mostly working on adding minor features and fixing bugs reported by
* SSHD development is also mostly based around user reported features and bugs.


No board level issues at this time.

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