On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Bogdan Ciprian Pistol
<bogdancipr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For the integration tests, using a client like Jakarta Commons
> HttpClient would test the raw functionality, but I was thinking also
> at some test framework like Selenium, What do you think of these kind
> of tests?

I think using a basic HTTP client would be way simpler than Selenium
for this purpose. I'll even volunteer to code something up if you
don't mind. That way we'll get two independent BOSH implementations
which might help ironing out some bugs.

> Another question is: if Selenium is the way to go for integration
> tests then how to get access to the Selenium framework, does Apache
> infrastructure already has this, or seleniumhq.org would be
> appropriate?

We should be able to run Selenium in our Hudson infrastructure.


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