On 5 September 2011 10:39, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2nd try for the release of SSHD 0.6.0.
> The legal files have been fixed and empty dirs removed, no other changes.
> A number of issues have been fixed:
>  https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310849&version=12315514
> The staging repo is available at:
>  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachemina-024/

I checked

> Source and binary distributions are available at:
>  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachemina-024/org/apache/sshd/apache-sshd/0.6.0/

I checked:

It's very confusing to have two source archives.

I suggest you delete sshd-0.6.0-source-release.zip from the release, i.e. delete

The binary archive content is a bit odd as well.
Why include slf4j but not JCraft? They both have test scope, as far as
I can tell.
Also, why include bouncy castle and tomcat but not jcraft/jzlib (all optional)?
Why not include net.sj.jpam, which is required by sshd-pam?

> The svn tag is:
>  http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mina/sshd/tags/sshd-0.6.0/

Lots of missing SVN eol-style settings. See
Not a blocker.

No AL header in the file:

> Please review and vote:
>  [ ] +1 Release SSHD 0.6.0
>  [X] -1 Do not
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet
> ------------------------
> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA
> http://fusesource.com

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