That all sounds great ! I will start posting some wishes here in the
dev-mailinglist using "[Mina 3][Wishlist]" as Subject-Tags.

Thanks !

I would also add : a decent documentation... Le 17 nov. 2011 14:57, "Julien
Vermillard" <> a écrit :


Could be nice to start a roadmap/whish page for MINA 3.0.

I'm quite busy recovering from jetlag, but I think we can work on it next

Any feedback is warmly welcome :)

for now what I think we should have : - simpler and more readable core code
- simpler threading model and configurable for testing different strategy -
simpler chain implementation - optional write future (save memory) - no
stats in core, should be optional (filter) - less hacky SSL filter - core
should work with plain old ByteBuffer, not an hacked subclass - ready HTTP
codec (server/client) with the MINA stack

I think the really driving idea is : simplicity and clean design for more
maintainability and more contribution and performance


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Elecharny <> wrote:

a écrit :

Hallo all,

Hi !

since Mina 3 is currently in the making, users of the framework should be
included in this process, to make MINA better.

Everything is discussed openly on dev@mina. Wanna participate? Read and

- Is there a special mailing-list or something to post ideas and wishes ?


- Where can we find informations about Mina 3 ?

Dev@mina archives, plus trunk.

Some pages about the development can only be found by google, they are no
links on Here is what i found so far:

- -<> -

Best regards Christian Schwarz

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