On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> the current implementation of filter's chain is associating this chain to a
> service. In MINA 2, each session had a copy of this chain.
> IMO, even if the default chain should be associated to the service, it would
> be a better idea to create a copy of this chain for each created session.
> the rational behind this choice is that we then be able to add or remove a
> filter from the chain dynamically for one specific session. One obvious
> usage could be to add a logger when one would want to get some traces for
> one session, and not for the whole service. We can also imagine some other
> usages.
> But it also has another direct advantage : currently, we compute the next
> filter to process in the DefaultIoFilterController, where an instance of the
> filter chain is stored. This DefaultIoFilterController is associated with a
> service, and can then be used by more than one selector, thus by more than
> one thread. That means we have to protect the current chain position for a
> given selector by storing it into a ThreadLocal. Access to the ThreadLocal
> values are way more expensive than accessing a session's current position if
> it's a simple integer.
> It would be easier if the controller was totally stateless, which would be
> possible if the session was holding the filter's chain.  Now, that means we
> have to think about the way we should modify a chain for an existing
> session. Obviously, if we store the current position in the chain for a
> given session, we can't modify this position unless it's not 0, otherwise we
> might have some bad errors (ArrayOutOfBoundException, for instance).
> I still have to think a bit more about this, but I definitively think that
> it's a better approach.
> Thoughts ?

Ok let's store de state (current chain position) in the session. that
whould simplify the code (I'm not really happy with the thread local

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