Hi guys,

for some reasons, the CMS does not like sites containing sub-directories
with the same name as their parent (like mina/mina) : I get redirected
to incubator.apache.org/mina in this case when I try to see the
production site.

So I changed all the sub-projects directory name to XXX-project. We now
have :
o mina/mina-project
o mina/asyncweb-project
o mina/ftpserver-project
o mina/sshd-project
o mina/vysper-project

I hope that all the links are still ok, but can you check that on your
projects ?

Also if you *want* to add Javadocs to your sub-projects, this is quite
simple, but you have to know how it works. Basically, here are the steps
to follow :

o first generate the javadocs page (mvn site)
o tar gz them (cd target/site; tar cvf /tmp/javadocs.tar.gz javadocs)
o check out the *production* site (not the trunk site) (svn co
o add the javadocs directory (svn add vysper/javadocs)
o untar the javadocs there (cd vysper/javadocs; tar xzpf
o commit everything (cd ../..; svn ci vysper -m "blah...")

you are almost done ! You should be able to see the Javadoc on the
production site. But...

- you will have to update the templates/vysper-project/navigation.html
page to point on the vysper-project/javadocs/index.html page, like :
      <li><a href="{{base}}mina-project/javadocs/index.html"
class="external-link" rel="nofollow">API Javadoc</a></li>

- *and* you have to update a file named extpaths.text in the content
directory, containing this :


to add one line :


What it does is magic ! It does *not* delete the javadocs directory
you've just created in the production repository hen you will publish
the site later... (The thing is that the javadocs directory is *not*
present in the trunk, neither in the staging repo, so SVN will just
think that it should not exist in the production repo either, and will
then delete the directory in production... This file just create an
exception !)

Have fun !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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