Le 11/17/12 7:42 AM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> well I strongly disagreeing here :)
> The selector listener and the selector loop should be seen as a wrapper on
> top of nio to make things easier.
I don't disagree here.
> The event can happen at the same moment so we need to provide them as is
> and not to choose the order to propagate them.
You *do* chose the order in which the event are handled in the code of
the ready method ! The question is more about where we express the order
in which they are expressed... I see your point here : it's up to the
listener to deal with that choice, not to the selector loop.
> It's up to the listener to choose how to react if more than one flag is
> raised.
> IMHO I'm a bit bike-shedding here but what would be coding without tiny
> detail and taste discussion :)

Ok, I have no problem with your vision. However, there is something I
dislike, if we use the ready() method you are proposing, it's the way we
pass the events : passing many booleans in a specific order make it
difficult to know what event is to be processed. Something like :

ready( true, false, readBuffer, true )

does not tell anything about which event is true and which one is false,
unless you look at the interface : not very convenient... I'd rather
have something like :

reay( ByteBuffer readBuffer, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT )

using this interface :

void ready( ByteBuffer, int... event )

This way, you don't have to question yoruself "what this boolean stands
for" when you look at the code,

>> Hi guys,
>> I'm wondering if it would not be more convenient to have 3 methods
>> (well, 4 would probably be better) :
>>     void readyRead(ByteBuffer readBuffer);
>>     void readyWrite();
>>     void readyAccept();
>>     void readyConnect(); // This is for the client
>> With an intermediate abstract class, we will just have to implement the
>> method we need in the classes (for instance, the readyConnect() will
>> only be implemented by the client, not by the server).

So I move those methods in the listener, and they will be called by the
listener's generic ready() method, not by the SelectorLoop.

Is that ok ?

Emmanuel Lécharny

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