Le 1/12/13 11:14 AM, sebb a écrit :
> On 12 January 2013 07:11, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Le 1/12/13 7:05 AM, Mondain a écrit :
>>> Do I need to pull it from Git or is it still available in SVN?
>> Definitively from git.
>> We can't update the site yet to inform people about this, because the
>> site is stored in SVN and the SVN repo has been switched to read-only,
>> but we don't have the site repo on git available yet :/
> AIUI, the site will always have to be served from SVN.
> AFAIK there are no plans to implement the equivalent of svnpubsub using Git.
> So if you are waiting for that to happen, the updated site will never happen.
> The PMC needs to decide what flavour of svnpubsub is to be used, and
> ask Infra (via JIRA) to set it up.
We already decided to go for CMS, and switched back in december. The pb
is that the SVN repo is read only atm, so whatever modification we do
can't be saved...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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