Le 1/14/13 10:47 AM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> It's only loopback tests ? I wonder if the result would be the same on a
> real network.

I don't think it would be any different, except that you will exhaust
your 100Mbs bandwith with 1Kb messages before you reach the peak we get
on the loopback, and a 1Gbs bandwith with 10Kb messages.
> BTW what would be the use case for writing buffer bigger than 64K ? That's
> sounding like a waste of memory for me.
This is what I told Norman : with buffer that size, it makes complete
sense to use transferTo() inseatd of going through buffers. In LDAP, we
may deal with message that big as we may transfer images, but this is
rare. It's probably more a n application issue than a MINA issue anyway...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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