Le 1/14/13 10:55 AM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> I started refactoring MINA 3 HTTP Codec, but I wonder how to share the
> codec infertaces (ProtocolDecoder.class and ProtocolEncoder.class) between
> MINA 3 and MINA 2 ? a separate module ?
> Because if we don't do that we will finish by having the two version
> depending of each other like with the current LDAP codec.

The issue with MINA 2 interfaces is that it requires additional parameters :

    void decode(IoSession session, IoBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput
out) throws Exception;
    void encode(IoSession session, Object message, ProtocolEncoderOutput
out) throws Exception;

The ProtocolDecoderOutput/ProtocolEncoderOutput are callbacks.

I would suggest we use simpler methods :

    Object[] decode(IoSession session, IoBuffer in) throws Exception;
    Object encode(IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception;

where the returned Object whould be the decoded messages for the decode
method, and the encoded message for the encode method.

Woudl we have more than one message being decoded, we will get an array
of decoded messages.

I do think it's way easier to use than using a callback...

Regarding the compatibility with MINA 2, forget about it. I have
migrated ApacheDS from MINA 1 to MINA 2 3 years ago, and despite some
kind of attempt to make MINA 2 quite API compatible with MINA 1, it
required a full rewrite. At some point, you'd better accept the idea to
review your code and switch. ALl in all, it took me a couple of days,
max. I must say that switching to MINA 3 does not frighten me *at all*.

Let's not make MINA the next Windows, still assuming some kind of
inheritence with MS/DOS 2.1...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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