Le 1/28/13 9:00 PM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> Hi,
> I committed a new idea for the codec API.
> It's quite radical change but I think it's a valuable improvement.
> Key here is simplicity :
> - a codec module independent of the core module, could be reused for mina
> 2, plain old IO, whatever
So far, so good.
> - a codec in compounded of a statefull decoder and an encoder
Does those encoder/decoder have to be stateful ? In some case, we may
wan to use a stateless decoder, because we don't want to store some
state into it.

I'd rather let the user decide if his/her codec is stateless or stateful
(and handle the consequences).

(I do think that most of the case, a stateless decoder is needed).

> - each session will store a encoder and a decoder
If we use stateless decoder, there is no need to store the
encoder/decoder in the session, just to make them available. The way
it's currently done (pushing a reference to the encoder/decoder
instances into the session attributes) is costly, and memory consuming
(as you have to access the hashmap everytime you need to access the
codec, and you create a <ref, codec> in every session.

I would rather default to something that store a reference in the
IoHandler, with the optional option to store the codec in the session.
The IoSession.getEncoder/Decoder() methods will handle different cases.

> I updated the HTTP codec but not the LDAP codec. I need to take care of
> make it compiling soon.
Forget about the ldap codec. It has to be completely refactored anyway.
I'll do it.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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