Le 2/9/13 1:32 PM, Jeff MAURY a écrit :
> I don't think Antlr is of great help. There are a lot of protocol specific
> to process (encoding of header, URL escaping,...) that will not be done by
> an Antlr generated parser.
I think that an antlr parser could most certainly handle all those
cases, but I'm afraid that it could be a bit more complex than just
doing it by and, with a state machine...
> I don't see the relation with the thread model and I think it's allowed to
> send a new request without the previous one being fully received: it is
> called HTTP pipelining if I remember correctly
A user can perfectly send many concurrent HTTP requests from a browser :
this is even configurable on every browser, to speed up the load of a
page wih may images.

Now, those concurrent requests - assuming that the client can send more
than one request to a server, though more than one socket, leads to
interesting complcation we have to be aware of.

Here, I was more thinking about the fact that when a client sends many
HTTP request without waiting for the response, then those requests will
be handled one after the other on the server. If we add an executor
*after* the decoder, we may process the requests concurrently.

But anyway, these are considerations that could be discussed further,
once we have a decent codec.
> +1 for a full HTTP review as each time I used it, I found some problems
> related to the full respect of the HTTP specs
Ok, sounds good to me.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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