Le 7/16/13 1:32 AM, sebb a écrit :
> I think it's fundamental that VOTE emails contain the following
> information, as well as the links to the archives/jars:
> SVN tag + the revision number
> ======================

Totally +1

> Link to KEYS file
> ============
> I know it will always be the same, but it makes it easier for others
> to check sigs
> It also shows that the KEYS are important.


This should be added in the release mail.

Here is a sample of what we use at Directory :

Hi, This is a vote for the 19th milestone of  (blah)...

The revisions :

API      : http://svn.apache.org/r1497218

The SVN tag:
API      : http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/shared/tags/1.0.0-M19

The source and binary distribution packages:

The staging repository:
API      : 

Please cast your votes:
[ ] +1 Release Shared/LDAP API 1.0.0-M19
[ ] 0 abstain
[ ] -1 Do not release Shared/LDAP API 1.0.0-M19

The only missing part is the reference to the KEYS file, which will be added in 
the next vote.

I suggest we create a template file and store it into the root of MINA. 


Emmanuel Lécharny

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