Le 10/30/13 10:40 AM, Joachim Rodrigues a écrit :
> Hi I'm working on a multi threaded project that create about 200
> simltaneous threads.
> For each thread i have a mina connection to a server.
> And sometimes when retrieving the response,  the object response  is null
>         Object response = null;
>         session.write(frame);
>         if (frame.isWaitForResponse()) {
>             ReadFuture read = session.read();
>             try {
>                 read.await(collectorResponseTimeOut);
>             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>                 e.printStackTrace();
>             }
>             response = read.getMessage();
> it stoped to be null when i added
>              response.getClass();
> at the end, just after  response = read.getMessage();
> Then no more null objects.
> Does anyone knows why ?

What timeout are you using ?

Also why do you want to simulate a synchronous mode when using NIO ? It
would be better if your frame directly receives the response when the
response arrives, something you can do easily with MINA assumng you
dispatch the message in your IoHandler.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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