Le 4/18/14 7:27 AM, 心冶独孤 a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am using Mina to developing a server program.
> When the client directly connects to the server, using the following code I 
> can get the ip:
> String clientIP = 
> ((InetSocketAddress)session.getRemoteAddress()).getAddress().getHostAddress();
> But, when we use a F5(load balance machine) between the client and server, I 
> can't get the real ip now.
> Instead, I get the virtual ip(LAN ip) from F5.
Plain normal. The IP address you get is the address of the socket, which
is the socket to the F5.
> I need the real ip, can you help me?
No, we can't. This is simply not possible.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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