Le 18/08/2017 à 07:53, 胡阳 a écrit :
> Hi guys:

Hi ! (Sorry, I can't use your first name, my keyboard is a bit limited ;-)

> I read the source code of MINA3.0M2. The style of the code is very good, the 
> structure is clear, the design is concise and efficient, especially the use 
> of Selector is unexpected. However, the enqueueWriteRequest method and the 
> processWrite method in the AbstractNioSession are somewhat flawed.

Probably :-) This is just an effort to improve from MINA 2, and we are
very open to any proposal !
> I see the source code in the enqueueWriteRequest method was originally 
> "synchronized (writeQueue)", but was commented out, personal speculation may 
> be the author feel that this treatment will affect performance.
You are looking at an old version of the code base. The current (not
released) version is using a ConcurrentLinkedQueue, which does not
require a synchronized anymore.

> My approach is to use CAS to ensure memory visibility and atomic, see I see 
> the startSync, finishSync method, feeling that this may be more secure after 
> some of the performance will not lose too much.
> A little personal humble opinion.
And we don't disagree :-)

If you are interested in this code, feel free to dig the trunk, which
contains the latest changes. Note that it's not a very active project
atm, but we would really appreciate any contribution !

You can also use github to push PR, would you feel like contributing :

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lecharny


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