What version of SSHD are you using?


What JVM are you using (java -version)?


What did you do?
1、 I creat a ssh client to connect another ssh server (which by openssh) with 
      IDLE_TIMEOUT = 300
      NIO_READ_TIMEOUT = 315
 with the following code:
PropertyResolverUtils.updateProperty(sshd, FactoryManager.IDLE_TIMEOUT, 
PropertyResolverUtils.updateProperty(sshd, FactoryManager.IDLE_TIMEOUT, 
PropertyResolverUtils.updateProperty(sshd, ClientFactoryManager.IDLE_TIMEOUT, 
2、Start the client

What did you see?
    what I want to seen is that the client heartbeat can make the keepalive of 
the connection of client and server.
But  the connection still times out  about the NIO_READ_TIMEOUT seconds.
 1、 I see the code about client heartbeat:
Sends a heartbeat message
@return The {@link IoWriteFuture}
that can be used to wait for the
message write completion
protected IoWriteFuture sendHeartBeat() {
  ClientSession session = getClientSession();
  String request = 
  try {
 Buffer buf = session.createBuffer(SshConstants.SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, 
request.length() + Byte.SIZE); 
return session.writePacket(buf); }
  catch (IOException e) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    { log.debug("Error (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") sending keepalive 
message=" + request + ": " + e.getMessage()); }
   Throwable t = e;
   return new AbstractIoWriteFuture(request, null) {
   { setValue(t); }
    But I don't know how does the heartbeat work?it only send keepAlive every 
interal time,but not to check the reply of the keepAlive timeout.
how does the client know that the server is available.Or does other param need 
to set to make the client heartbeat work?

2、  I have see the sshserver code.
    There is a field named wantReply, the ssh server only reponse the request 
which want to reply.Then I check the functon above,
    buf.putBoolean(false) have make the wantReply false,So the server not 
reponse the heartbeat.
    if I change to " buf.putBoolean(true)", then the sshserver will reponse to 
client. Is it a bug?

3、 To summarise: 
    if I want to matke the ssh cilent know the sshserver if not availbale, how 
to set the param properly?
    Is it the principle that the sshclient send heartbeat in a interal without 
regard for reponse,the sshServer will reponse the heartbeat if the sshserver is 
the sshClient wil refresh the nio_read_timeout if the sshClient receive the 
reponse.(The HEARTBEAT_INTERAL and NIO_READ_TIMEOUT work together to make the 
keepalive work?)
Looking forward to your reply,Thanks!

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