Sure, my mistake !

Le 18/03/2018 à 20:33, sebb a écrit :
> Whilst the announce mail explains what MINA does and what the new
> release offers, it does not have any links to the download page or
> even the main MINA web page.
> Please can you ensure that such info is not omitted from future announce 
> emails?
> On 17 March 2018 at 17:52, Emmanuel Lecharny <> wrote:
>> The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce MINA 2.0.17 ! This
>> version is a bug fix release.
>> Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
>> develop high performance and high scalability network applications
>> easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over
>> various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.
>> The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
>> introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
>> learn MINA as soon as possible.
>> Here is the list of fixed issues :
>> Bugs :
>> ------
>>     [DIRMINA-844] - Http Proxy Authentication failed to complete (see
>> description for exact point of failure)
>>     [DIRMINA-1002] - Mina IoHandlerEvents missing inputClosed enum item.
>>     [DIRMINA-1051] - The MD5withRSA cipher is not anymore supported by
>> Java 8, and our tests certificates have been generated with it.
>>     [DIRMINA-1052] - Fix the mvn-site command
>>     [DIRMINA-1056] - IllegalArgumentException when setting max and
>> minReadBufferSize > 65536 (default)
>>     [DIRMINA-1057] - AbstractIoSession getScheduledWriteMessages always
>> -negative?
>>     [DIRMINA-1059] - NioProcessor's selector is synchronized but
>> accessed outside
>>     [DIRMINA-1060] - Handle the spinning selectors in Socket/Datagram
>> Acceptor and Connector
>>     [DIRMINA-1072] - SslFilter does not account for SSLEngine runtime
>> exceptions
>>     [DIRMINA-1073] - NioSocketSession#isSecured does not comply with
>> interface contract
>>     [DIRMINA-1076] - Leaking NioProcessors/NioSocketConnectors hanging
>> in call to dispose
>>     [DIRMINA-1077] - Threads hanging in dispose() on SSLHandshakeException
>> Improvement :
>> -------------
>>     [DIRMINA-1061] - When AbstractPollingIoProcessor read nothing, free
>> the temporary buffer should be better
>> Task :
>> ------
>>     [DIRMINA-1058] - Add the missing Javadoc
>> We recommend all users to upgrade to this release. We consider this a
>> stable and production ready release.
>> The Apache MINA PMC
>> Thanks !
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Cordialement,
>> Emmanuel Lécharny

Emmanuel Lecharny

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