Le 19/03/2018 à 18:20, Lyor Goldstein a écrit :
> Thanks a lot Emmanuel...
> As far as the build failure it is strange indeed as it passes on both my
> Windows and Linux machines. However, since it states:
> [INFO] Rat check: Summary over all files. Unapproved: 2
> it means that the offending files are listed in the target/rat.txt file (or
> somewhere simuilar) - is there a way to see which files these are ? Then I
> can fix them (e.g., exclude them from the plugin's configuration)

The problem is that on my computer, when I run mvn apache-rat:check, I
get no error. And if I run mvn rat:check, it's worse, because it does
not ignore the .git files.

I have no idea why it fails, and how to fix it. Ideally speaking, we
should have a look at the target/rat.txt file on the instance the Sonar
check was ran. I'll see with Infra if it's an option.

Emmanuel Lecharny


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