I updated the test suite this morning.  There is definitely a correlation
to performance and invokeinterface, however BakedGenericAbstractTest is
using invokevirtual and is actually 2x as expensive as invokeinterface in
that test.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 4:29 AM Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com>

> Le 11/10/2018 à 19:03, Jonathan Valliere a écrit :
> > One explaination I came up was that Java is performing a full upcast when
> > encountering the generic-based interface.  Unchecked and checked genetics
> > perform identically.
> Here is the bytecode for the strictMethod() :
>  0: aload_0
>  1: invokevirtual   #12  // Method
> createStrictReceiver:()LSimpleInliningTest$ReceiverB;
>  4: astore_1
>  5: aload_0
>  6: invokevirtual   #13  // Method
> createStrictObject:()LSimpleInliningTest$TypeA;
>  9: astore_2
> 10: aconst_null
> 11: astore_3
> 12: iconst_0
> 13: istore          4
> 15: iload           4
> 17: ldc             #4   // int 1000000
> 19: if_icmpeq       48
> 22: aload_3
> 23: aload_2
> 24: if_acmpne       36
> 27: aload_1
> 28: aload_2
> 29: invokevirtual   #14  // Method
> SimpleInliningTest$ReceiverB.foo:(LSimpleInliningTest$TypeA;)LSimpleInliningTest$TypeA;
> 32: astore_3
> 33: goto            42
> 36: aload_1
> 37: aload_2
> 38: invokevirtual   #14  // Method
> SimpleInliningTest$ReceiverB.foo:(LSimpleInliningTest$TypeA;)LSimpleInliningTest$TypeA;
> 41: astore_3
> 42: iinc            4, 1
> 45: goto            15
> 48: return
> and the same for uncheckedMethod():
>  0: aload_0
>  1: invokevirtual   #2   // Method
> createUncheckedReceiver:()LSimpleInliningTest$Receiver;
>  4: astore_1
>  5: aload_0
>  6: invokevirtual   #3   // Method
> createUncheckedObject:()Ljava/lang/Object;
>  9: astore_2
> 10: aconst_null
> 11: astore_3
> 12: iconst_0
> 13: istore          4
> 15: iload           4
> 17: ldc             #4   // int 1000000
> 19: if_icmpeq       52
> 22: aload_3
> 23: aload_2
> 24: if_acmpne       38
> 27: aload_1
> 28: aload_2
> 29: invokeinterface #5, 2// InterfaceMethod
> SimpleInliningTest$Receiver.foo:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
> 34: astore_3
> 35: goto            46
> 38: aload_1
> 39: aload_2
> 40: invokeinterface #5, 2// InterfaceMethod
> SimpleInliningTest$Receiver.foo:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
> 45: astore_3
> 46: iinc            4, 1
> 49: goto            15
> 52: return
> My guess is that the difference coms from the invokevirtual being used
> on one case and invokeinterface in the other (line 29).
> invokeinterface seems clearly coslier than invokevirtual.
> --
> Emmanuel Lecharny
> Symas.com
> directory.apache.org

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