Things are complicated :/

Ok, after two days of investigation, my take is that the original sin was to use a IoBuffer to propagate a message across the filters. IoBuffers can be consumed (ie, when you read them, their position change) making it very complex not to abuse them when writing a filter.

Typical problem arose in SslFilter, ProtocolCodecFilter, LoggingFilter, CompressionFilter (and probably some more). Lets see what happens for those filters.

LoggingFilter: actually, nothing is logged for filterWrite ! That kind of 'fix' the issue, by ignoring it. OTOH, it's not consistent: we may want to know what is being written...

SslFilter: it's pretty obvious that the incoming filter will be fully consumed, and a new buffer will be produced. The interesting thing is that the SslEngine use ByteBuffer to encrypt/decrypt data. Anyway, we consume the incoming buffer, no matter what, and it's a side effect.

ProtocolCodecFilter: it also consume the incoming message, which can be any kind of data structure. It doesn't matter because the factory is application specific (or it's one of the on the shelf factories). The special case is when the incoming message is an IoBuffer (not really frequently the case...)

CompressionFilter: it takes a IoBuffer as input and produce a new one, having consumed the incoming IoBuffer.

etc, etc.

So when we have fully written the message, any IoBuffer than have been created in the filters - or any IoBBuffer that was passed by the application - would have been consumed. If we want to propagate a messageSent event, we need to have kept a track of the original message, and if it was a IoBuffer, that would mean duplicating it, or flip it before calling messageSent() just after having written it fully...

Now, why are we using IoBuffer at all ? For three reasons:

- ByteBuffer are immutable. It's valuable to be able to 'grow' a IoBuffer, typically when we inflate a message

- SslEngine is using ByteBuffer,  IoBuffer encapsulate one

- Ultimately, writing into a channel is done using a ByteBuffer, so not having to create one when calling write on a channel saves some copy. But this is really when we have an app that has no filter modifying the IoBuffer. A rare corner case.

So my take is that using an IoBuffer is a premature optimization. Just because channels require ByteBuffer does not lmean we shiould use ByteBuffer acorss the filters, except for the SslBuffer - which should  always be the first filter in the chain anyway. We should also always keep a track of the original message, unmodified, so that the messageSent eveent can be propagated properly. Obviously, if the original message is an IoBuffer, and is never modified by any filteer, duplicating it before sending it just because we want to keep it intact for the messageSent event is a waste, but OTOH, it's very unlikely to be a frequent use case...

I'm currently working on implementing that, and so far, it's going well.

I'll keep  the  list informed.

On 22/03/2019 13:35, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
Ok, I have a version that works better with the CompressionFilter.

Here is what I have changed :

- the session.write( <message> ) method will inject the original message into the WriteRequest

- any filterWrite filter that is going to create a new version of the message will store it in the same writeRequest, into a modifiedMessage field. (The WriteRequest impl thus holds 2 versions of the message, the odiginal one and the modified one)

- when the modified message is written to the remote peer (it's now an IoBuffer), messageSent will be called with the original message, or with the written IoBuffer flipped if the original message was a IoBuffer and was never modified.

The first test I did with the chat example seems to work pretty well. It's going through a TextLineCodecFactory codec filter, a CompressionFilter. I have to test it with the LoginFilter and the SslFilter.

All in all, the MINA code is much simpler and should be faster too, as we spare spurious calls to messageSent and filterWrite with an Empty message.

More to come soon.

On 22/03/2019 04:58, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:

I have traced the calls when a session.write( <blah> ) is done.

It's all a kind of a hack.

In order to be able to send the messageSent() event, the protocolFilter will call the nextFilter.filterWrite() method twice :

    public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception {
        Object message = writeRequest.getMessage();

            // Write all the encoded messages now
            while (!bufferQueue.isEmpty()) {
                Object encodedMessage = bufferQueue.poll();

                // Flush only when the buffer has remaining.
                if (!(encodedMessage instanceof IoBuffer) || ((IoBuffer) encodedMessage).hasRemaining()) {                     SocketAddress destination = writeRequest.getDestination();                     WriteRequest encodedWriteRequest = new EncodedWriteRequest(encodedMessage, null, destination);

                    nextFilter.filterWrite(session, encodedWriteRequest);

            // Call the next filter
            nextFilter.filterWrite(session, new MessageWriteRequest(writeRequest));

The first call we go down the chain with an IoBuffer containing the encoded message, the second call will use th e original message wrapped in a specific MessageWriteRequest instance, which will always return an empty IoBuffer when a getMessage() is called on it :

    private static class MessageWriteRequest extends WriteRequestWrapper {
        public Object getMessage() {
            return EMPTY_BUFFER;

It goes down the chain to the HeadFilter where it gets stacked to be written. But as it's an empty buffer, the flush() method will do nothing but initiate a call to messageSent() which will pop up to the handler. Actually, the messageSent() event will be issued twice, once with the encoded message, and it will be swallowed silently by the ProtocolCodecFilter :

    public void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception {
        if (writeRequest instanceof EncodedWriteRequest) {

and a second time with the EMPTY buffer, which will bubble up to the IoHandler, with the original message.

This is overly complex, and leads to spurious CPU being consumed. It would be way smarter to encapsulate the original message in a WriteRequest instance, go though the filters with that, up to the encoder filter to feed a IoBuffer into this WriteRequest, which will be written to the remote peer, and when done, a messageSent event will be generated using the original message. If th eoriginal message is a IoBuffer that does not require encoding, then it's enough to keep the encoded message to null, up to the HeadFilter to find out that the original was never transformed so that it can write it, and let the IoProcessor generate a messageSent event after having flipped the original message to rest it back to its original position and limit. No reset, no mark, just a flip.

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