I have made some more progress, not sure if this will work for all cases, but 
it works on MacOS and Linux.

I had to extend TtyFilterOutputStream with my own class / methods to handleLF 
and handleCR.

So the output looks fine:


Running: 1 Sessions


Key, Name, OrgNodeID, TypeName, OperatorActions, Links
Types,Types,TypeOrgNode#9900#Types#Types,Types,,Link Types: XYZ

But now the issue is how do I get the ECHO to work! When I type my command, I 
need to see what I type, as soon as I type a character, just like in any normal 
terminal. I understand how the ProcessShell works, as the process has Input, 
Output and Error (which is used as Echo stream) streams, but in this case I 
have Input and Output only, and don’t have a Process. What happens now, is as I 
type I don’t see anything, then I press ‘Enter’ and it gets read in and gets 
executed correctly, so what I have to do is type it up in Text editor and then 
copy/paste the command into the Terminal.

Please help!

Thank you,

> On Oct 27, 2020, at 1:15 PM, Oskar Z <oska...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks! So looks like the issue is still unresolved.
> I think this is very critical.
> So I have made some progress, but now everything is written to the same line, 
> no matter what.
> I’m using the following PTY options:
> PtyMode.ONLCR
> PtyMode.OCRNL
> PtyMode.ONOCR
> PtyMode.ECHO
> PtyMode.INLCR
> PtyMode.ICRNL
> And using the following constructors:
>     CmdLineServiceHandler(CLIShellFactory.CLIShell shell) throws IOException {
>       super("Command line server handler");
>       //PtyMode.ONLCR, PtyMode.OCRNL, PtyMode.ONLRET, PtyMode.ONOCR
>       //PtyMode.ECHO, PtyMode.INLCR, PtyMode.ICRNL, PtyMode.IGNCR
>       Set<PtyMode> mode_options = 
> Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(PtyMode.ONLCR, PtyMode.OCRNL, 
> PtyMode.ONOCR, PtyMode.ECHO, PtyMode.INLCR, PtyMode.ICRNL));
>       TtyFilterInputStream echoStream = new 
> TtyFilterInputStream(shell.getInputStream(), mode_options);
>       input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
> TtyFilterInputStream(shell.getInputStream(), mode_options)));
>       output = new PrintStream(new 
> TtyFilterOutputStream(shell.getOutputStream(), echoStream, mode_options), 
> true);
>       //input = new BufferedReader(new 
> InputStreamReader(shell.getInputStream()));
>       //output = new PrintStream(shell.getOutputStream());
> Any idea on correct PTY options? I tried InteractiveProcessShellFactory.java 
> <https://github.com/apache/mina-sshd/blob/master/sshd-core/src/main/java/org/apache/sshd/server/shell/InteractiveProcessShellFactory.java>
>  and it seems to work, but not with my Custom Shell and Command.
> Thanks,
> Oskar
>> On Oct 27, 2020, at 12:53 PM, Lyor Goldstein <lgoldst...@apache.org 
>> <mailto:lgoldst...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>> I would really appreciate someone who has experience with this to give
>> me some guidance. I have searched the web and cannot seem to find anything.
>>>> Hope someone can help…
>> This is an oldie but goodie - we have made several attempts in the past
>> (see SSHD-897 SSHD-1029) but we always come up short since there seem to be
>> many behavior variations on the sent escape sequence and echo options...

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