Got it, Thanks, Let me submit initial version of "how to release" to wiki

Very truly yours.

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:

> Having a "how to release" wiki page (or any kind of living document) for
> the project ensures that anyone in the community can release the product.
> This is great for onboarding new RMs, etc...
> Patrick
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 9:27 AM, Debojyoti Dutta <> wrote:
> > Thx a lot Gary and Patrick for the tips on release management. It would
> be
> > my 1st so I am going to seamlessly ask for forgiveness :)
> >
> > debo
> >
> > On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:
> >
> >> fyi many projects capture this, some even capture the exact email
> formats
> >> etc..., on their wiki. Typically as a "how to release" page, e.g.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> You might compare to what you've created, however each project typically
> >> has it's own special cases.
> >>
> >> For things like "Commit the whole new release candidate folder in the
> >> staged trunk
> >> using the SVN client to commit it all" (and similar) you probably should
> >> just give the command to run to simplify things and reduce the chances
> for
> >> error. The more you can make each operation "copy/paste" the more likely
> >> you'll have a successful release and easier for the RM. That said the
> more
> >> you can automate the better (typically by adding it to mvn).
> >>
> >> Patrick
> >>
> >> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Gang(Gary) Wang <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Debo
> >>>
> >>> Thanks you Debo for becoming our new releasing manager, I'm trying to
> >>> detail the steps below from my previous releases, hope it can help.
> >>>
> >>> Hi PPMCs
> >>>
> >>> Please correct me if any missing or incorrect items below and welcome
> to
> >>> optimize & improve the following steps, Thanks!
> >>>
> >>> 1) Prepare a Linux box (one time setup)
> >>> The commands are running on Linux OS, so please have a Linux box or a
> >>> Virtual Machine for releasing
> >>>
> >>> 2) Prepare your release key if not yet or expired (one time setup)
> >>>
> >>> Please also put your key fingerprint into your account,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 3) Start a GPG agent on your Linux box using the following command
> >>> (before
> >>> releasing)
> >>> $eval 'gpg-agent --daemon --use-standard-socket'
> >>>
> >>> 4) Install SVN client on your laptop to upload staged/released
> artifacts
> >>>
> >>> 5) Using SVN client to check out the staged trunk (One time and Update
> >>> before voting)
> >>>
> >>> This trunk is used to upload the release candidates before voting on
> >>> dev@list
> >>>
> >>> 6) Using SVN client to check out the release trunk (One time and Update
> >>> after voting)
> >>>
> >>> This trunk is used to upload the releases after voting on general@list
> >>>
> >>> 7) Using SVN client to checkout the project status file (One time and
> >>> Update after releasing)
> >>>
> >>> ent/projects/mnemonic.xml
> >>>
> >>> 8) Replace the KEYS file contents with yours in both trunk of stage and
> >>> release and then commit the changes using SVN client
> >>>
> >>> 9) run the following command for auto release packaging on project
> >>> directory
> >>> $./build-tools/ <current release version> <next release
> >>> version>
> >>> <candidate Id>
> >>> for example
> >>> $./build-tools/ 0.8.0 0.8.0 rc1
> >>> Note that usually we use the same current version in above command as
> we
> >>> cannot predict whether or not have a new candidate for this release
> >>> before
> >>> voting
> >>> In this step, you may have to input your GPG password to allow gpg to
> >>> sign
> >>> off artifacts using your private key
> >>>
> >>> 10) Prepare the new release candidate folder on stage trunk
> >>> please duplicate a folder from latest release candidate on stage trunk
> >>> and
> >>> rename it as current release candidate.
> >>> for example: 0.8.0-incubating-rc1
> >>> and then empty the src folder
> >>>
> >>> 11) Update the CHANGES.txt for current release candidate on stage trunk
> >>> a) open the JIRA for Mnemonic project
> >>> b) in the overview, click the "Versions"
> >>> c) click the latest version that needs to be release, for example
> >>> "0.8.0-incubating"
> >>> d) click the button "Release Notes" on top-right
> >>> e) copy the Text between "Configure Release Notes" and "Edit/Copy
> Release
> >>> Notes"
> >>> f) open CHANGES.txt and replace all contents with the one just copied
> >>>
> >>> 12) Upload packaged artifacts from Linux box
> >>> Please use tools e.g. SCP to download all artifacts suffixed with
> >>> *.tar.gz
> >>> under target/ folder into the src folder of staged trunk
> >>>
> >>> 13) Commit the whole new release candidate folder in the staged trunk
> >>> using the SVN client to commit it all
> >>>
> >>> 14) Prepare a voting mail for dev@list voting
> >>> Please refer to the latest vote mail in dev@list
> >>>
> >>> 15) Report the voting results on dev@list
> >>> if not pass, please prepare next release candidate after issues fixed
> >>>
> >>> 16) Prepare a voting mail for general@list voting
> >>> Please refer to the latest vote mail in general@list
> >>>
> >>> 17) Report the voting results on general@list
> >>> if not pass, please prepare next release candidate after issues fixed
> >>>
> >>> 18) Submit the voted release candidate to release trunk
> >>> a) Please copy the release candidate from staged trunk to release trunk
> >>> b) and then remove the rc[x] suffix of the folder, for example,
> >>> 0.8.0-incubating-rc1 to 0.8.0-incubating
> >>> c) commit your new folder into SVN repos using SVN client
> >>>
> >>> 19) Update the project status file for the new releasing
> >>> Insert a new xml element to mnemonic.xml for new release
> >>> for example: "<li>2017-xx-xx the eighth official release.</li>"
> >>> and then commit it using SVN client
> >>>
> >>> Please also improve it or correct it if any issue, Thanks!
> >>>
> >>> Very truly yours
> >>> +Gary
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Debo~
> >

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