Hi there As a part of my daily job in Amazon which involves working with MXNet. Together with my team we have setup a dockerized multi-platform build for arm architectures including Android.
It has anonymous read access so anyone can check the build status on the multiple platforms: ( http://ci.mxnet.amazon-ml.com/ ) I think it would be useful to have this build feedback on PRs and commits on the Apache MXNet repository, and we are happy to contribute with this effort to the community. What I would like to do is to be able to set the build status on PRs and commits on Github so contributors sending PRs can see if their changes break the builds on devices, for that I need write access to the MXNet repository with a dedicated account that will be used exclusively for this and not by humans to prevent any potential errors. https://github.com/MXNetEdgeBot/ You can see the build files in the following PR: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/7792 we will extend this further with extensive testing on the different platforms, performance regressions and more. Because of the potential load of emulating and testing on this many architectures and flavors and for moving fast, for the moment I think it would be better to iterate on our own infrastructure and then if there’s the wish integrate with the testing infra in Apache do it. Any feedback or comments on this? Do you like the idea? Constructive feedback is welcome. Thank you very much. Pedro. Amazon Development Center Germany GmbH Berlin - Dresden - Aachen main office: Krausenstr. 38, 10117 Berlin Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Ralf Herbrich, Christian Schlaeger Ust-ID: DE289237879 Eingetragen am Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 149173 B