Hi Hagay,

  Good point. The high level problem is:

  I want to run mxnet training on GPU, and inference on CPU --
browsers / javascript in particular.

  On the training side, I'm dealing mostly with NDArray / doing my own
gradient calculations / optimization. I would like some library for
the client side, where I can just 'port over my mxnet ndarray graph'
and start running inference.

  I hope this motivates the issue.


On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Lupesko, Hagay <lupe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> TongKe,
> What’s the use case you are after?
> Answering this question may help us help you (
> Hagay
> On 11/2/17, 12:10, "TongKe Xue" <tk...@tkxue.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>       I'm looking for a js library compatible with mxnet/ndarray.
>     1. I am aware of https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet.js/
>     However:
>     a. that appears to be all of mxnet, not ndarray
>     b. that appears to only support Python models, whereas I'm using 
> Java/Scala
>     2. I am aware of https://github.com/scijs/ndarray
>     However:
>     this appears to be in different library, try to create a unifying API 
> over both
>       Back to my original question -- is there some JS API that is
>     directly compatible with mxnet's ndarray interface?
>     Thanks,
>     --TongKe

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