Hi dev@,
We've had a lot of great expansions to MXNet's functionality and family of
tools in recent months. I would like to gauge the temp on what would be
good to highlight, and what would be good as navigation items with actual
landing pages.

For example, when ONNX was added, being in a contrib package, it was going
to totally buried, so it has a navigation item under Docs and a landing
page with some usage details. This page could certainly be enhanced, or
there could also be a landing page for it in the docs folder.

Gluon needs a new landing page, and could probably be folded into the Docs
navigation. Why landing pages? We shouldn't have navigation items that take
you off of the site without warning. Github would be an exception. But for
books and tutorials suites that are off-deck, I think it would be a good
habit to describe what it is and indicate where it goes. The tutorials page
has this notion with little icons now.

The new Scala infer package will be buried once it rolls off of the new
highlights section of the home page. Maybe we should have navigation items
for things like model serving and inference along with landing pages for

Then we have a couple of projects outside MXNet, but directly add value,
and could be highlighted with a landing page to describe what it does, how
to install it, plus links to the projects and some examples:

* MXNet Model Server
* Keras-MXNet

I'm sure there's more. Let's discuss and promote all these good things.


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