Dear MXNet community,

This is the 3-day vote to add conan support for Apache MXNet (incubating)
version v1.4.1.
The voting on dev@ list will start May 03 23:59:59 (PST) and close on May
06 23:59:59.

Background: conan is open-source, freeware, cross-platform package manager
for C and C++ projects, written in python. it provides integration with
various build systems, include CMake. conan may use bintray as a server to
store and download pre-built packages, or packages might be always built
from sources.

Problem: currently (as for v1.4.1), Apache MXNet (incubating) is using
several ways to fetch 3rd-party dependencies simultaneously, for instance:
1. download GitHub archives during the build
- OpenBLAS
- OpenCV
2. conda (alternative way to GitHub archives)
3. download from CMake
- Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)
4. Git submodules
- cub
- dlpack
- dmlc-core
- googletest
- mkldnn
- mshadow
- onnx-tensorrt
- openmp
- ps-lite
- tvm
therefore, there are multiple places to look for 3rd parties, and its hard
to update them, as you need to remember or figure it out how to update a
particular dependency to newer version, for instance.
current Apache MXNet (incubating) build instructions differ very much per
platform, require to download and unzip some archives manually, specifying
variables with paths to this archives, in conjunction of updating git

Action: merge pull request providing an initial conan support for Apache
MXNet (incubating). support conan as an alternate approach to fetch various
3rd-party dependencies. old approaches will be still available, supported
and left intact.

Below are links to
1) conan web-site:
2) conan GitHub repository:
3) conan documentation:
4) bintray:
5) pull request adding conan support to Apache MXNet (incubating):
6) JIRA issue:
7) previous email discussion:
8) MXNet build instructions:
9) MXNet build instructions (Windows):
10) MXNet build instructions (OSX):
11) MXNet build instructions (Linux):
12) MXNet development setup (OSX):

Please remember to TEST first before voting accordingly:
+1 = approve
+0 = no opinion
-1 = disapprove (provide reason)

Best regards,
Konstantin Ivlev

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