On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Sean Schofield wrote:

This doesn't seem to answer the question of how one gets the necessary
access to do these things.  Does Grant just ask?  Do we nominate him?

Infrastructure works the same way as any other part of the ASF: it's a meritocracy. You start by joining the infrastructure list, which is open to any ASF committer, and, as Ted described, start helping out however you can. Just as with other projects, access comes with merit, and merit grows as you continue to contribute.

As far as getting migrated to SVN, I'd suggest pinging the infrastructure list, either directly or via a comment on the Jira issue.

Martin Cooper


On 4/29/05, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's what I've been told about getting involved with infrastructure:


In general, the process of becoming productive here is the same as
for many open source projects: hang around, figure out what needs
doing, figure out how to do it, then do it. Answering questions from
users, filing jira entries and otherwise helping maintain the bug
database, writing documentation (www.apache.org/dev/) stuff like
that. Hang out on #asfinfra. You'll probably see lots of places where
stuff needs doing soon enough :-D


On 4/29/05, Grant Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would almost be worthwhile for one of us to join the Apache
"Infrastructure Team". Sounds like they are pretty short staffed. Does
anyone know how to go about applying ? I would volunteer, having a
couple of decades of unix system administration experience. I have also
just recently converted our own internal CVS to SVN.

Maybe Ted could enlighten us how to proceed (as usual, thanks Ted !!)

Manfred Geiler wrote:

All we can do is sit and wait...

2005/4/29, Grant Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I second the motion to get this done as soon as possible.
I guess we'll need a code freeze while the conversion takes place ?

For those of you using Intellij IDEA, the latest EAP build (3311)
handles Subversion perfectly and also runs under JDK 1.5.0_02.

Sean Schofield wrote:

When are we thinking about the SVN conversion?  It might be nice to do
this some weekend soon.  The sooner we get that done the sooner we can
discuss sandbox and some other ideas.




-- HTH, Ted.

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