On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Sean Schofield wrote:

1) Digester has removed the RSS classes from their standard build, so
we either have to do a custom build of Digester or we have to have
version 1.5 (which is what was in the lib dir)

This is a known problem.
(http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-134)  I accidentally
introduced the problem into the build by using a newer version of
Digester.  We should resolve this problem regardless of where the jars
are stored.

Matthias was talking about taking it out and moving it into the
sandbox.  Perhaps we should just take it out and reintroduce it to the
sandbox *after* its been refactored.  We can discuss that on another

2) Validator does not have the ISBN validator in its current release
build (1.1.4), this class is in the 1.2 branch (which might be head,
I did not dig into it). So we have to have the latest nightly (which
is currently hosed on the apache servers at 45 bytes) or build it
ourselves from their repo.

Apparently the ISBN validator is relying on a dev version of commons
validator.  IMO that's a bad thing.  The dev version of some jars is
available in the Maven repository.  We could ask the commons-validator
team to update the repository with a snapshot dev version.  (Also we
can check the ASF repository Martin Cooper is referencing in his

So this points to the simplicity factor that Oliver argues. In order
for us to have an auto download from ibiblio we will have to make our
code depended on one of the released versions of these libraries. If
we have the jar files in a repo (probably linked in with
svn:externals?) then we have the ability to put in a dev version of
some dependency jar.

I don't think a milestone release of MyFaces should have dependencies
on beta versions of third party libraries.  So this particular
drawback to ibiblio, etc. doesn't matter much to me.

Absolutely. In earlier days, Struts dependended on unreleased versions of some of its dependencies, and this turned out to be a nightmare. Before we could release Struts itself, we had to make sure, one way or another, that all of its dependencies got released. That can cause unpredictable (and lengthy) delays in the release cycle. Since then, we've been determined to depend only on relesed versions of our dependencies, so that any delays in getting Struts released are purely our own fault. ;-)

Martin Cooper




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