I noticed there is a new inputSuggest by Werner added to the sandbox. 
I've experimented with it a little bit on his website but I haven't
looked behind the hood.  Matt Blum and I have our own verison of

I think its fine to have two similar components in the sandbox but I
think we should figure out how to merge these two components before
leaving the sandbox.  I'd hate to have a situation where we have two
similar components where one will do.

The inputSuggest that Matt and I contributed does not support Ajax yet
but it has a few extras that the other one doesn't seem to have. 
Werner's has Ajax support but is missing some of these extras.  So it
seems like there could be a meeting of the minds.

I don't have a lot of time in the near term to look at this.  Perhaps
Matt and Werner should discuss?  (Discussions should be on the
dev-list please.)   I will try and take a closer look at Werner's
component and also at what Craig is doing to support Ajax with Shale
but that will take some time.

In general I think we need a overall strategy on how we are going to
support Ajax with MyFaces and how we can avoid duplication with the
Shale project.


ps The client-side tab by Werner (also on his site) looks very
promising.  It could use some dressing up but the basic functionality
(and the client-side nature) is exactly what we need IMO.

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