Hi all,
Sorry if I have missed something important, but for lack of time I
only could rush through this thread. Just my 0.02 on this issue:
- If I got it right, there is only a problem with the myfacse-all.jar, right?
- So, as someone proposed earlier we could give a workaround hint
("use the single libs instead") on the homepage, right?
- Therefore no need for too much hurry, IMO
- I would prefer doing a normal "1.1.1 RC1" (instead of
release cancidate from the current source
- I can check against TCK on monday
- After that, we should tag with "1.1.1 RC1" and start voting on it
- If there are bugs to fix then, we can discuss if it's better to do a
branch or change current (depending on changes and/or additions in the



2005/9/23, Bill Dudney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Sean,
> I don't mind creating the branches in the same way we have created
> the tags.
> I'm glad to create the branches, update the build.xml file run the
> build and put myfaces-all.jar  and (tomahawk, api & impl) and make
> sure stuff works there.
> I'll call it 1_1_0_1.
> -bd-
> On Sep 23, 2005, at 9:10 AM, Sean Schofield wrote:
> > I think we can move past the tag vs. branch discussion now.  I've
> > conceded a few emails ago that we should do a branch.
> >
> > I have to go offline for a few hours.  Can this wait until a little
> > later this afternoon?  I can create a branch for us using the tag as
> > the starting point.
> >
> > There is no rush.  Rushing is what caused the problem in the first
> > place.  And yes there was a RC even though it wasn't widely publicized
> > it was part of the VOTE thread and was mentioned on the PMC list.
> >
> > sean
> >
> > On 9/23/05, Mathias Brökelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> IMO releasing 1.1.0 was a fast shot.
> >>
> >> What I´ve missed where the release candidates which normally come
> >> before the final release. We should get back to the normal procedure.
> >> RCs give us the feedback we need to create good releases.
> >>
> >> Tags are supposed to be fixed and shouldn´t be changed after making
> >> one. It would be really confusing if we change the tag 1.1.0 now and
> >> make a new release number like for it.
> >>
> >> I´ve already suggested to make a release branch from trunk. The
> >> initial branch is the first RC. Each RC has it´s own tag (svn copy
> >> from the release branch). If someone reports a major bug for the
> >> RC we
> >> have to fix it in current (trunk) and merge the fix into the release
> >> branch too. This gives us the chance to commit changes into current
> >> without affecting the release. A week after the RC we can vote for
> >> making a new RC or release the final version if remaining bugs are
> >> trivial.
> >>
> >> Tagging and branching with svn is a lot of work (Thanks Sean for
> >> writing the doc!) But IMO we should automate it. Let us write a batch
> >> script or use ant for this stuff.
> >>
> >>
> >> 2005/9/23, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>
> >>> We can certainly create a branch but the idea is that we eventually
> >>> have an official release and that's it.  Of course there will be
> >>> minor
> >>> bugs and those just get fixed in the next release.  If you need
> >>> something before then you use the nightly.  This is kind of a weird
> >>> exception.
> >>>
> >>> Even with a branch we need tagged releases and creating either is
> >>> not
> >>> exactly trivial because of all of the subprojects.  See my wiki
> >>> instructions for an example of what is required
> >>> (http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/Building_a_Release).
> >>>
> >>> Its still not clear to me the difference between svn tags and
> >>> branches
> >>> because you can (after ignoring warnings) check into a tagged
> >>> version.
> >>>  So in this case this is what I suggest we do b/c the error is
> >>> such a
> >>> significant one.
> >>>
> >>> Normally I would say we should change the release number, etc.
> >>> and do
> >>> an official release (even if its just a minor change) and maybe we
> >>> should consider that in order to avoid confusion (are you using the
> >>> new or old 1.1.0?)
> >>>
> >>> sean
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Mathias
> >>
> >

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