
I found the main build.xml file comments confusing. It starts of saying that all these properties must be set. But actually the build.xml is extremely nicely set up with defaults, auto-downloading libs, etc., and *no* custom properties need to be defined to build myfaces.

So attached is a patch to the main build.xml file to clarify this.
I've also compressed the list of required libs somewhat; I don't see the benefit of the comment for each jar:
   foo.jar  Provide the full path to the JAR file for foo.


Index: build.xml
--- build.xml	(revision 326257)
+++ build.xml	(working copy)
@@ -4,122 +4,56 @@
 <!-- ========== Prerequisite Properties =================================== -->
-    Each of these properties MUST be set in one of the following ways:
-     * on the "ant" command line
-     * in a "build.local.properties" file in the base directory
-     * in a "build.properties" file in your user home directory
+    ===========================
-    commons-beanutils.jar         The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Beanutils package.
-                                  [Version 1.6.1 or later]
-    commons-codec.jar             The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Codec package.
-                                  [Version 1.3.0 or later]
-    commons-collections.jar       The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Collections package.
-                                  [Version 3.0.0 or later]
-    commons-digester.jar          The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Digester package.
-                                  [Version 1.5 or later]
-	commons-el.jar                The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons EL package.
-                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
-    commons-fileupload.jar        The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons FileUpload package.
-                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
-    commons-lang.jar              The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Lang package.
-                                  [Version 2.0 or later]
-    commons-logging.jar           The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Logging package.
-                                  [Version 1.0.3 or later]
-    commons-validator.jar         The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  Commons Validator package.
-                                  [Version 1.2.0 or later]
-    jakarta-oro.jar               The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
-                                  ORO package.
-                                  [Version 2.0.7 or later]
-    jsp.jar                       The path to the JAR file for the JSP
-                                  API package.
-                                  [Version 2.0 or later]
-    jstl.jar                      The path to the JAR file for the JSTL
-                                  package.
-                                  [Version 1.1.0 or later]
-    portlet-api.jar               The path to the JAR file for the Portlet
-                                  API package.
-                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
-    servlet-api.jar               The path to the JAR file for the Servlet
-                                  API package.
-                                  [Version 2.3 or later]
-    struts.jar                    The path to the JAR file for the Struts
-                                  package (needed for Tiles support.)
-                                  [Version 1.2.2 or later]
-    tlddoc.jar                    The path to the JAR file for the TLDDOC
-                                  package.
-                                  [Version 1.2 or later]
-    xdoclet.jar                   The path to the JAR file for the XDoclet
-                                  package.
-                                  [Version 1.2 or later]
-    xjavadoc.jar                  The path to the JAR file for the
-                                  XJavadoc package.
-                                  [Version 1.1 or later]
-    Each of these properties MAY be set in one of the following ways:
+    This buildfile doesn't need any properties to be explicitly set before
+    building myfaces; the defaults all work "out of the box". However if you
+    do wish to customise any setting it can be done in the following ways:
      * on the "ant" command line
      * in a "build.local.properties" file in the base directory
      * in a "build.properties" file in your user home directory
-    If not set, testing will not work properly. Reasonable defaults are used where possible.
-	junit.jar					The path to the JAR file for JUnit
-								Not known to work with version 4.0 yet.
-								[Version 3.8.1 or later]
+    ==================
-	easymock.jar					The path to the JAR file for EasyMock
-								[Version 1.0 or later]
+    This buildfile automatically downloads all libraries needed to build and
+    unit test myfaces code. However if you wish to customise the set of libs
+    used then you can define a property with the same name as the jar file
+    which has the location of the actual file to use.
-	easymock-classextension.jar	The path to the JAR file for EasyMock
-								[Version 1.0 or later]
+    Myfaces depends on the following libraries to build:
+     commons-beanutils.jar   [Version 1.6.1 or later]
+     commons-codec.jar       [Version 1.3.0 or later]
+     commons-collections.jar [Version 3.0.0 or later]
+     commons-digester.jar    [Version 1.5 or later]
+     commons-el.jar          [Version 1.0 or later]
+     commons-fileupload.jar  [Version 1.0 or later]
+     commons-lang.jar        [Version 2.0 or later]
+     commons-logging.jar     [Version 1.0.3 or later]
+     commons-validator.jar   [Version 1.2.0 or later]
+     jakarta-oro.jar         [Version 2.0.7 or later]
+     jsp.jar                 [Version 2.0 or later]
+     jstl.jar                [Version 1.1.0 or later]
+     portlet-api.jar         [Version 1.0 or later]
+     servlet-api.jar         [Version 2.3 or later]
+     struts.jar              [Version 1.2.2 or later] (needed for Tiles support.)
+     tlddoc.jar              [Version 1.2 or later]
+     xdoclet.jar             [Version 1.2 or later]
+     xjavadoc.jar            [Version 1.1 or later]
-	cglib.jar					The path to the JAR file for CGLib used by EasyMock
-								[Version 2.1.2 or later]
+    Myfaces depends on the following libraries for unit tests:
+     junit.jar                   [Version 3.8.1 or later] (Version 4.0 not supported yet)
+     easymock.jar                [Version 1.0 or later]
+     easymock-classextension.jar [Version 1.0 or later]
+     cglib.jar                   [Version 2.1.2 or later] (Used by EasyMock)
+     asm.jar                     [Version 1.5.3 or later] (Used by EasyMock)
+     cargo.jar                   [Version 0.6 or later]
-	asm.jar						The path to the JAR file for ASM used by EasyMock
-								[Version 1.5.3 or later]
-	cargo.jar					The path to the JAR file for Cargo
-								[Version 0.6 or later]
+    ===================
-    Each of these properties MAY be set in one of the following ways:
-     * on the "ant" command line
-     * in a "build.local.properties" file in the base directory
-     * in a "build.properties" file in your user home directory
-    If not set, the default, as described below, will be used instead.
     javac.debug                   Indicates whether source should be
                                   compiled with debug information.

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