Well, if we could do b) somewhat automatically, this would be great.

John Fallows had proposed something like this for the shared classes
of Apache MyFaces - to make sure that Tomahawk and the impl always use
the correct implementation of the shared classes.

John - I think this is the time at which you could convince us of your
suggestion ;)



On 10/19/05, Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Kitching wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Well, you should check out some of the email discussions held on
> > commons-dev about this. The general conclusion was that even commons
> > components should avoid dependencies on other commons components where
> > feasable.
> >
> Well commons are absolute base libs, but there always is a huge issue if
> you have too much deps, because other stuff has those deps as well and
> you might end up in a conflict once you try to merge myfaces into other
> subsystems. Even commons does not manage it to be outside of commons deps.
> But as others have stated, there is no sanity in having a copy paste of
> commons classes into the core codebase, because you end up in a
> maintenment mess bigger than Mount Everest.
> There are two ways:
> a) Try to keep the number of deps as small as possible and restricted to
> the absolut core libs. Commons Lang is probably save, while
> commons-httpclient would be probably a different issue.
> b) Push the commons stuff into its own safe namespace so that it does
> not conflict with external namespaces of the same namespace.
> (I did that recently by pushing a httpclient and its dependency into a
> supportive.org.apache.xxx namespaces)
> This can be done relatively easy via refactoring tools but it is a huge
> codeupdate. Sun for instance did that as well with their own Xerces
> bundle which they have bundled with JDK 5.0.
> (They pushed it into sun.org.apache.xerces or something similar)
> A total independence of external libs would be good bug only b) would
> allow that in a sane manner and still it is sort of a maintenance
> nightmare, because with every release you have to do the refactoring
> cycle all over again.


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