I´ve added two context parameters:

defines the number of the latest views stored in the session with a
default of 20 (like RI)

if true (default) the state will be serialized to a byte array,
otherwise it will not be serialized.
IMO the last param should be used with care if it is true for
development time and false for deployment. The component t:savestate
may save the state of any complex statefull bean which may hold a
state too. So this state will get shared between the views if it is
not serialized. So expect a different behavior if switching this flag
on a production system.

2005/10/20, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ah, so you don't save the objects directly, you save the byte streams?
> That's excellent for development - it's a pain figuring out down the road
> that one object way down deep isn't serializable, and only when you try
> clustering right before going production :) - but seems like an unnecessary
> performance hit at deployment time.  Perhaps a flag to switch between the
> two?
> -- Adam
> On 10/19/05, Mathias Brökelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are right the two objects in SerailizedView are serialized and put
> > into the session.
> >
> > The instances of the server side state where not serialized before.
> > This doesn´t affect the component instances since they are only
> > referenced by class name in the state but it could have an effect on
> > the state of the components. Some components may have statefull
> > objects in their state (t:savestate for instance)
> >
> > The next thing is that clustering or a restart of the container is now
> > better supported because the user will see a NotSerializeableException
> > immediatly if a value of the state is not serializable.
> >
> > 2005/10/18, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > What exactly do you mean by "the serialized view is now really
> > > serialized (this was not the case before)"?  Before, server-side
> > > state saving (at least in 1.1 RI) was just stashing the UIViewRoot,
> > > which dies for a bunch of reasons.  I'm gonna guess that
> > > you grab the SerializedView object with StateManager.saveState(),
> > > and then save off its two components.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mathias
> >


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