Hi John,

On Nov 1, 2005, at 10:25 PM, John Fallows wrote:

If you want to use a version of tomahawk that is incompatible with
your MyFaces implementation on the web server, just upgrade the
MyFaces version.  Yes its a pain but it certainly doesn't seem to be

This just proves that we depend on something other than the APIs in the specification to integrate the two projects together. That indicates that we haven't ensured proper isolation between the projects.

Am I misssing something here?  Is the problem more significant then
upgrading your MyFaces implementation?

I think you might be missing the point of having a standard. :-)

The implementation of the standard runtime stands alone. The implementation of any extensions to the standard also stand alone.

The current shared code approach breaks the guarantee that any combination of standard runtime implementation and standard extension implementation can work together.

The fact that a certain combination of these implementations are provided by a common set of developers should be entirely irrelevant to the end user.

I think you might be missing something here. The standard does not provide sufficient definition of how the components will be implemented (and perhaps that is a good thing). There is a ton of common code between all components that is not defined in the standard. We can choose to re-implement that functionality in tomahawk, copy and repackage or put it in a separate jar. Perhaps it would be better to have more detail in the API for the component classes and perhaps it would not be, either way the 1.1 and 1.2 versions of the spec don't have the detail needed to reuse complex code across components. With the current spec its better IMO to implement everything once and share it.

I think the bottom line is that myfaces-share.jar is something like commons-logging.jar. No one decries the fact that we depend on logging (well perhaps 'no one' is a strong statement :-) so why should we be put out by dependence on myfaces-share.jar. It could just as easily be called html-utils.jar or jsf-component-building- made-easy.jar or whatever.

As far as separation of the projects goes. myfaces-impl.jar and tomahawk.jar depend on myfaces-share.jar. myfaces-share.jar should not depend on myfaces-impl.jar of course but could depend on myfaces- api.jar. The last time I checked the dependency tree was as described here so I think we are in good shape to make things look like this.

Anyway my $0.02 on this.



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