More forrest problems ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Nov 13, 2005 11:33 PM
Subject: Build Failure

     [echo] Loading project specific properties from
     [echo] Loading user specific properties from /home/sjs4/
     [echo] Loading default properties from
     [echo] -- Warning --
     [echo] Using skin "forrest-site" which is deprecated.
     [echo] Please migrate to one of the new skins listed in
     [echo] The skin that most likely resembles these ones is called 'pelt'.
     [echo] ...validated xdocs
     [echo] ...validated skinconf
     [echo] ...validated sitemap
     [echo] ...validated existence of skin 'forrest-site'
     [echo] Copying the various non-generated resources to site.
     [echo] Warnings will be issued if the optional project resources
are not found.
     [echo] This is often the case, because they are optional and so
may not be available.
     [echo] Copying project resources and images to site ...
     [echo] Copying main skin images to site ...
     [echo] Copying project skin images to site ...
     [echo] Copying main skin css and js files to site ...
     [echo] Copying project skin css and js files to site ...
     [echo] Finished copying the non-generated resources.
     [echo] Now Cocoon will generate the rest ...
     [echo] Static site will be generated at:
     [echo] /home/sjs4/bootstrap/myfaces-current/build/temp/site
     [echo] Note that there are various reasons for "build failed" messages.
     [echo] * Cocoon will report the status of each document:
     [echo]   - in column 1: *=okay X=brokenLink ^=pageSkipped (see FAQ).
     [echo] * Even if only one link is broken, you will still get "failed".
     [echo] * Your site would still be generated, but some pages would
be broken.
     [echo] * Please check the file:
     [echo] for any broken links in the generated site.
     [java] Cannot find

/home/sjs4/bootstrap/bootstrap.xml:101: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
/home/sjs4/bootstrap/myfaces-current/forrest/build/build.xml:49: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/forrest/src/core/targets/site.xml:43: Java returned: 1

Total time: 3 minutes 11 seconds

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