Op di, 29-11-2005 te 09:07 -0500, schreef Paul Spencer:
> I am interested in using and submitting patches for the Schedule 
> component.  I have a few question:
> 1) Does this component have a lot of community support or interest?

Well, since I submitted the component to myfaces, you are one of the
first that actually wants to use it :-)

> 2) Is their a better component with similar features?

Not that I'm aware of, otherwise I wouldn't have written it...

> 3) What is the process to move a component out of the sandbox and into 
> Tomahawk?

I have been wondering about that one too :-)

> 4) Is their any design plan or feature wish list for the schedule 
> component?  I have checked the "Help Wanted" page, the component's wiki 
> page, and JIRA to no avail.

There is another component, the planner, that is related to the
schedule. I have concentrated on the schedule first, because that seems
to be the most useful of the 2. The planner component needs a better
datamodel, theme support, etc...

Jurgen Lust
Project Leader J2EE Software Development
Department of Information and Communication Technology
Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, S9
9000 Gent, Belgium

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