Hi Manfred!
> Is there no easy way to add a jar as "Source" in eclipse?
It looks like this is not possible, at least I dont see how to do it.
What will be possible is to add myfaces-shared-impl-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
(the classes) to the classpath
and attach myfaces-shared-impl-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar as source to it.
But this makes no difference to the way it is now. I konw IDEA, but what
is different to attach the -source.jars instead of the directories?

In either case, you will have multiple independent versions of these
classes in your IDE.
The problem is due to the different package names.

Sorry for being ignorant, but - could you please direct me to the post
where I can read why this all was necessary?

My problem is, that I have to do something with the AddResource et al
stuff. It is nearly impossible to refactor like the way it is now as the
same AddResource is available in three packages and I have to change it
in the package which is NOT used in any package.
On the other hand Martin told me that we have to move the tomahawk stuff
out of shared-core and thus this limitation (at least for my current
pain) will go away :-)


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