Yes, I've been reading a bit about the Seam framework, it looks extremely promising. However, I need a solution that I can plug in to our existing Hibernate-Spring-JSF framework, and I don't think introducing Seam is an option right now. But I'll definitely keep my eye on it, it has some very nice features...


Jacob Hookom schreef:
There might be some overlap here with Seam-- we've already implemented some of this.

Sylvain Vieujot wrote:

I agree, it would be very nice and avoid double validation code for the hibernate users. It would also prevent meaning less errors for the users and show the exact problem.

Great idea !


On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 17:45 +0100, Jurgen Lust wrote:

How about this approach?

   1. You annotate your model classes with Hibernate Validator
      annotations, for example @Range(min=10, max=20)
   2. You don't put any validators in the JSPs
   3. You implement a custom PropertyResolverImpl that does the
         1. set the property
         2. perform the validation with HibernateValidator on the
         3. if the value is invalid, set the property to its original
            value and throw an EvaluationException
         4. The JSP is rendered with a FacesMessage next to the
            input, containing the Hibernate Validator error message.


    * All validation is in 1 place, the model class, where it belongs
    * Much cleaner JSP


    * You completely bypass the JSF process validations phase,
      however, since the custom PropertyResolver would reset the
      property to its old value when a validation error occurs, this
      would not really be a problem.

This approach would not work at the moment, or at least until MYFACES-1157 is fixed.

Any ideas?


Jurgen Lust schreef:


I've been playing around with Hibernate Annotations a bit, and noticed that there is also something like the Hibernate Validator:

This allows you to specify constraints on your model classes, using jdk 5.0 annotations. Hibernate then automatically enforces these contraints in the persistence tier of your application.

Now I was thinking that this could also be used with JSF. Instead of putting all the JSF validation stuff in the JSPs, you should be able to use those annotations in the validate phase. Has anyone tried this yet? Would it be possible, and are there any pitfalls?



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