Werner Punz schrieb:

> Correction, the jsessionid in the dojo imports are not needed if client
> side cookies are enabled, can we live with an enforcement for that
> policy now until I can clean up this mess on the dojo side (or the dojo
> people can clean it up)
Ok anyone the refactoring is done, the dojo.js is now loaded without a
jsessionid set, I know this is dirty and does not work for cookieless
browsers, but until this is resolved on the dojo side I cannot really do

(One reason why I am glad we have not pushed for a tomahwawk inclusion
of the dojo codebase in 1.1.2)
All the components should work as expected and as a goodie I now added
a newer version of the state change notifier which utilizes the dojo
dialog infrastructure instead of confirm. The yes no buttons are
currently not modifyable that will be changed soon.

(one downside, the new notifier only works on links and buttons, but not
on submits)

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