A lot of this is occurring with JSF 1.2 and the Avatar proposal for partial processing of the component tree.

Oracle's ADF components too have the concept of triggers/observers today.

Travis Reeder wrote:

Hi all,

Been a bit out of the loop for the past few weeks, I am just wondering if there has been much going on with the ajax sandbox components? There was talk of making them dojo'd ;), so just wondering if that has happened.

The next step I would like to take is to make it so that multiple components can be submitted at the same time so instead of having "affectedAjaxComponent", it could have a full post with an entire form. And after that, I would like to have it be able to kick off events on other components on the client side so you can update UI elements as required. Currently, it will update a message tag if an error occurs, but need similar behaviour for not message tags.

Simple example:
form1:inputText1 gets submitted via ajax with a command button.
divA gets notified of the successful event and then itself calls an ajax method to get updated content.

I'm not quite sure how this should work yet, so if anyone has thoughts on this, I'd love to hear it. I'm thinking a component could register itself as a listener on another component.


Sent from my FrankenBerry Wireless Handheld

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