> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 11:37 AM
> To: MyFaces Development
> Subject: Re: JSF 1.2: branch, wiki, maven repo, ...
> On 4/24/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It looks like we have 75 unresolved bugs filed against core, but
> > with a vested interest in having them fixed will eventually submit
> > patches.
> I've knocked this down to 65 bugs after moving issue to Tomahawk and
> reclassification.
> I noticed there were a number of portlet issues in there.  Should we
> consider these separate?  Perhaps create a portlet component for core?


I think that's a pretty good idea.  Portlet bugs don't affect TCK and
they should only hold up a release if they are really severe.

Most of these are there because of integration problems between
"standard" JSF Portlets and Tomahawk.  Now that Tomahawk is its own
project it is more unclear which project should be responsible for the
fix.  It may be that we need a TomahawkMyFacesPortlet that adds the
extra stuff needed to support these components.

Unfortunately, I'll have to keep these issues on the back burner for
awhile longer - at least until JSF 1.2 is done.  If any other committer
wants to take them over, be my guest.

Stan Silvert
JBoss, Inc.

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