On 5/18/06, L Frohman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
quick question, I have the following line in HtmlTableRendererBase.java.

boolean newspaperVerticalOrientation =

"horizontal" should be a constant somewhere (private static final String),
but it
belongs in the newspaperTable code (tomahawk), and HtmlTableRendererBase is
in the shared code,
it shouldn't reference tomahawk. So where should I put the constant for

In shared-core, internally use your original idea -- boolean
isVerticalOrientation() and have it always return true.

Then override it in the Tomahawk class using the constants.  At that
point you can stick them in the NewspaperTable interface class.

See getNewspaperColumns in shared-core:HtmlTableRendererBase as an
example of this trick.

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