If it's going to be as simple as adding some config to the config file to retain backward compatibility, I'm +1 on releasing with that. If it means adding <h:form> I'm MOST DEFINITELY -1. We certainly cannot foist this onto our users.

On 5/24/06, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK so the only issue with Tomahawk head is that people need to add
> <h:form> around there components right?
Or - if they use myfaces-impl too - to add some text to their own

> Do we need a new core release or is this just tomahawk only?
I wont put my mother on it, but I guess tomahawk only is sufficient.
Hmmm .... I'll test this.

> If you think we are ready I will create the tomahawk branch now.
From my point of view we are ready, I'll test the above and will tell
you tomorrow if it works.


Grant Smith

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