I'm running into MNG-2136 where the activation of another profile by
the presence of JDK 1.5 suppresses the activeByDefault profile.

Mmh, hope it gets fixed soon! We are not using the jdk5 check now, but
it is useful indeed (when it works).

Another question -- I remember seeing a comment in one of the web.xml
files that a Filter or a Listener had to be configured so the app
would run under Jetty.  Is there any MyFaces-specific configuration
that won't work if you just drop the RI jars into the examples?

I'm pretty sure the Shale examples all work with either MyFaces or the
RI under Tomcat, but when I tried Jetty they wouldn't start,
complaining about something missing from web.xml.

(If this makes no sense, I'm probably not remembering it correctly.)

Yes, you remember correctly! Now that you say it, I remember that too.
I have read the jetty 6 version notes [1] and I see that the listener
thing was fixed in the version jetty-6.0.0beta9. So now we can deploy
using jetty without any hazzle (at least with the current version and
in my computer... you never know ;) ). So I guess you can use it again
in shale now...



[1] http://jetty.mortbay.org/jetty6/VERSION.txt


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