I would be suprised if you found a quick and easy way to do this. MyFaces core 
uses digester to unmarshal the config files.  It then calls the API you 
mention. I would start digging around in org.apache.myfaces.config .

Dennis Byrne

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:42 PM
>To: 'MyFaces Development'
>Subject: How to configure the default renderers and component within a 
>Shale-Test based unit test
>I am writing a unit test based on the Shale Test Framework for a Tomahawk
>component.  My current problem is the I need to add the default MyFaces and
>Tomahawk components and renderers to the FacesContext. To date I have been
>using facesContext.getApplication().addComponent(...) and
>facesContext.getRenderKit().addRenderer(...).  This is becoming very
>cumbersome.  I know the defaults are out their in various configuration files,
>but I do not know how to tell Shale's test framework how to use them.
>Paul Spencer

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