> I think this situation is similar to the commons-fileupload dependency
> of the file upload component. I dont quite get the subproject idea
> Jurgen, can you explain it more? How is it gonna be distributed?

Well, there have been questions on the iText mailing list about
rendering PDF from JSF components. I think we had a brief discussion
about this here as well some time ago. There are quite a few components
that would be candidates for pdf rendering, and some of them, like the
datatable, also for Excel or ODF or CSV rendering. So you could create
the s:excelExporter, s:pdfExporter, etc. components, but then you have
to introduce POI, iText, etc. as dependencies to Tomahawk.

You could create a new subproject alongside tomahawk, tobago and
trinidad, that just handles export of component data to these other
formats. That would also allow people who don't use tomahawk to use
those export buttons. 

I don't know, perhaps the functionality is too limited for a new
subproject, it's just that when you start introducing things like POI as
dependency for Tomahawk, where will it stop? Not that I have anything
against POI, I'm using it myself and I'm very happy with it :)


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